
Live this moment, stand still for a moment!

Live this moment, stand still just when your life is hectic or hard. A mindfulness training gives you the tools to put this into practice. It's a skill training that contains a lot of exercise  besides some theory. The goal is to master the these exercises ( different kind of meditation exercises, body and sensory exercises and insight exercises regarding to automatism and patterns), so eventually this will become a part of your life. The careful structure of the training and daily repetitions of the attention exercises helps you to find your own rhythm in mindfulness. There is space for sharing your experience and discussing the obstacles you have found in the exercises. 

"You can't restrain the waves, but you can learn how to surf. "

Number of persons
From 6 to 12
2 hours
Price per person
Overview per minimum and maximum number of persons
8 12 € 112,50 p.p.
The prices shown exclude vat. Bigger groups in combination with different activities request a quote.