A-Way Leadership Journey
Leadershipsweek for high potentials
Someday everyone will run into a personal barrier. At the leadershipsinstitute Pierrefitte in France you will make an inner journey to leadership by breaking these barriers.
“I always had the feeling that I had more potential than came out. My uncertainty and shyness got in my way. These inner barriers gave me a lot of frustration and impotence. My week at Pierrefitte turned this frustation into understanding en respect to myself. It brought me closer to myself. Now I understand why I made some choices in life. Becasue of this journey I will get in to the future with more certainty and knowledge about myself."
Discover where your special contribute are at.
Discover your personal strenghts.
Discover how you can make the difference.
Discover the leader in yourself!
This week we'll discuss your own questions about leadership and other problems. The goal is to answer these questions and solve these problems by yourself. You will learn to work on intuition and less with your mind. You will get a grip on the things your stuggle with. This can be taking the lead in your profession or your life.
We want to brighten the thoughts that keeps you busy. You will have great conversations during your walks and you will find answers on your questions and problems. Your own answers and your own solutions, partly because the conversations are helped by several proven research tools. These tools are for more than twelve years the thread of the week.
Next to your answers and solutions you will learn to feel better and to use that feeling in a positive way. You will plan your work and carreer the way you like so you will have more fun and satisfaction.
The location 'Pierrefitte' is an old abbey farm with a perfect ambiance. You will have good company from interesting people and people who are in the same situation. This group will help you to find your personal power and to follow your dream. It's an intensive and special week you'' never forget! Gerard Vennegoor (1953) is working as an executive coach for leading companies in Holland. For more than 10 years he knows how to get people with his leaderships course at Pierrefitte's 'Personal leadership and professional effectivity'. He will recognize people's problems and knows how to work these personal barriers. He will show you new perspectives and let you grow in your power.
Gerard's Daughter, Petra Vennegoor (1980) is an entrepeneur since 2005. Her company A-Way Events & Wellness is organising sportive events and health programs for companies. Her energie is contagious for people and she will let people 'look in the mirror' with her sharp observations. She's straightforward and she works from her heart.
Christian van Maaren (1983), is working for Shell. In his role as chairman from Young Shell Netherlands he has a passion to develop new leaders. Petra's and Gerard's coaching helped him a lot and he likes to share this with other people. He likes to bring young professionals with him to the journey he already started. Together we will be stronger.
Sign up true petra@a-wayevents.nl if this arouse your interest. Write a motivation letter why you like to participate in this week. Set the bar high and we will gurantee that you will reach more than you can imagine. Next 'leadershipsweek' is in 20th till 25th of April 2014. We will add more information later on. If you like to get more information about the costs you can also contact Petra.
Number of persons
From 4 to 12
Price per person Overview per minimum and maximum number of persons |
8 | 20 | op aanvraag |
21 | 40 | op aanvraag |
41 | 100 | op aanvraag |
101 | op aanvraag | |
The prices shown exclude vat. Bigger groups in combination with different activities request a quote. |